Learn & Share, Workshop Christian Folie Learn & Share, Workshop Christian Folie

Running Hybrid Workshops

When modernizing or building systems, one major challenge is finding out what to build. In Pre-Covid times on-site workshops were a main source to get an idea about ‘the right thing’. But during Covid everybody got used to working remotely, so now the question can be raised: Is it still worth having on-site, physical workshops?

Learn & Share Laura Gaetano Learn & Share Laura Gaetano

Five lessons from running a (remote) design systems book club

Last year I gifted a design systems book I had been reading to a friend and she suggested starting a mini book club so that she’d have some accountability to finish reading the book. I took her up on the offer and so in late spring, our design systems book club was born. But how can you make the meetings fun and engaging even though you're physically separated? Here are a couple of things I learned from running my very first remote book club with my friend!

Learn & Share Rinat Abdullin Learn & Share Rinat Abdullin

Process Pipelines

Process pipeline is a system to break down complex repeatable work into digestable steps that lead to concrete results.Processes, unlike projects, don't have a defined completion time and goal. Their goal is to keep running and moving forward at a steady pace.

Learn & Share Rinat Abdullin Learn & Share Rinat Abdullin

Inbox helps to clear the mind

I hate distractions. They can easily ruin my day when I'm in the middle of working on a cool project. They do that by overloading my mind, buzzing around inside me, and just making me tired. Even though we can think about several things at once, we can only do one thing at a time.

Learn & Share Rinat Abdullin Learn & Share Rinat Abdullin

Celebrating achievements

Let's talk about celebrating our successes. Our active memory can be like a cache of recently used data. Fresh ideas and frustrations supersede older ones. The older the thought, the fuzzier it becomes. Details are lost.
There is also negativity bias. When good and bad things happen at the same intensity, the bad ones have a greater effect on us.

Learn & Share Trustbit Marketing Learn & Share Trustbit Marketing

Learn & Share Video Obsidian

Knowledge is very powerful. So, finding the right tool to help you gather, structure and access information anywhere and anytime, is rather a necessity than an option. You want to accomplish your tasks better? You want a reliable tool which is easy to use, extendable and adaptable to your personal needs? Today I would like to introduce you to the knowledge management system of my choice: Obsidian.


Part 3: Trustbit Logistics Hackathon - Add speed model to logistic simulation

So far in the series we have built a trivial logistics simulation runtime. At this point it is only capable of finding the fastest route between two locations. This is implemented as a form of A* algorithm that uses predefined travel times.
Let’s extend the implementation and demonstrate how we can “plug” different models into the simulation runtime.

Learn & Share Laura Gaetano Learn & Share Laura Gaetano

Using a Skill/Will matrix for personal career development

As part of their onboarding, all of our employees are encouraged to fill out a “Skwill” — a small matrix that shows an overview of their strengths and interests in different fields. The matrix is “public” (i.e. visible to anyone inside the company) and makes it super easy to share your skillset with teammates or people outside of your team.

Data Science & Machine Learning, Learn & Share Trustbit Marketing Data Science & Machine Learning, Learn & Share Trustbit Marketing

Guest Blog: Logistics Data Scientists at the Trustbit Hackathon

On May 13th 2022 the hybrid "Trustbit Hackathon: Sustainable Logistics Simulation" was held at the beautiful Parkhotel Schönbrunn and was also open for remote participants from all over the world. We, a team of three data scientists, took part in it on-site and we want to share a bit about the great experience we had.

Learn & Share Daniel Puchner Learn & Share Daniel Puchner

How to gather data from Miro

Miro is an online collaborative whiteboard platform which we are using heavily in our consulting workshops to collaborate, explore and document. In this blog post I will show you options to automatically gather, modify and analyse Miro boards.

Learn & Share Rinat Abdullin Learn & Share Rinat Abdullin

Innovation Incubator Round 1

In 2020 we started an Innovation Incubator. It is a learning and sharing process that tries to connect people from the different teams together. This is especially important for a remote company with people working all across Europe. This is the retrospective of Round 1 of the incubator.
